Review Article

The Role of Th17 in Neuroimmune Disorders: Target for CAM Therapy. Part II

Figure 2

The role of Th17 lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and neuroimmunological disorders. Environmental factors’ induction of inflammatory response, production of cytokines and increase in the number of Th17 positive cells in circulation. Expression of IL-17 and IL-22 receptors on blood-brain barrier endothelial cells result in the binding of Th17 cells to BBB tight junctions. This disrupts the tight junctions, and the Th17 cells then transmigrate across the BBB, setting the stage for the killing of neurons by the release of granzyme B. CAM protocols may be used to block the inflammatory cascade induced by infection. Additionally, CAM therapies resulting in the repair of the BBB and the inhibition of lymphocyte transmigration can reduce neuro-inflammation.