Research Article

Traditional Chinese Herbal Patch for Short-Term Management of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Table 1

Subscale of investigator assessment of knee OA condition measured by Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Questionnaire (TCMSQ).

ItemsAssessment criteria
0 point2 points4 points6 points

SwellingNoneSuspected floating patella testPositive floating patella testSignificantly
Range of motionMove freely120°~140°100°~120°<100°
Fatigue in the region of waist and knee musclesNoneOccasionally, but not affected the life and workOccurred only after workingPersisted during the life
Fear of coldnessNoneNot palpable over knee joints when palpationPalpable over knee joints when palpationObviously, needed clothing to protect the whole body