Research Article

Momordica charantia Extract Induces Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells through Caspase- and Mitochondria-Dependent Pathways

Figure 6

Expression of Bcl-2 family proteins in MCME-treated cancer cells. Hone-1, AGS, HCT-116, and CL1-0 cells were treated for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours with MCME at a concentration of 0.35, 0.25, 0.3, and 0.25 mg/mL, respectively. Equal amounts of lysates from these cancer cells treated with MCME were immunoblotted with anti-Bax and anti-Bcl-2 antibodies. Blots were reproved with an antibody for β-actin to control for protein loading and transfer. Gels shown are representative of those obtained from three independent experiments. The protein expression levels were quantified and normalized to β-actin and expressed as the fold-change to the respective control. Asterisk (*) indicates a significant value < 0.05 as compared to controls.