Research Article

Iyengar Yoga for Distressed Women: A 3-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 3

Between-group differences of treatment effects on physical symptoms and complaints (when present), mean (95% CI).

Yoga group 1 versus controlYoga group 2 versus controlYoga group 1 + 2 versus control
ChangeP valueChangeP valueChangeP value

Physical well being−2.3 (−3.4; −1.0)0.001−0.7 (−2.0; 0.5)0.256−1.5 (−2.5; −0.4)0.007
Back pain−1.7 (−3.1; −0.2)0.025−2.5 (−4.2; −0.8)0.004−2.1 (−3.5; −0.7)0.004
Neck pain−2.2 (−3.6; −0.7)0.003−1.4 (−2.9; 0.1)0.06−1.8 (−3.1; −0.5)0.005
Freiburg complaint list, sum score−0.3 (−0.5; −0.1)0.006−0.2 (−0.4; 0.0)0.115−0.2 (−0.4; 0.0)0.012