Research Article

Polyphenol-Rich Fraction of Brown Alga Ecklonia cava Collected from Gijang, Korea, Reduces Obesity and Glucose Levels in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice

Figure 4

Effect of CA or G-CA extracts on adipogenic gene expression and AMPK phosphorylation. Three weeks after beginning a high-fat diet, C57BL6 mice were orally administered CA or G-CA extract (200 mg/kg body weight) or PBS daily for 8 weeks. (a) PPARγ2, C/EBPα, SREBP-1c, and Fas mRNA levels were measured in epididymal fat pads by quantitative real-time PCR. Values are expressed as fold change compared with the NC group. (b) Phospho (P)-AMPK and AMPK protein expression in epididymal fat pads was analyzed by western blot (upper panel) and quantified (lower panel). Values are mean ± SE. NC: untreated, normal chow diet; PBS: PBS-treated, high-fat diet (HFD); CA: CA-treated, HFD; G-CA: G-CA-treated, HFD. , versus NC group; , versus PBS-HFD group; , versus CA-HFD.