Research Article

Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Lichen Umbilicaria cylindrica (L.) Delise (Umbilicariaceae)

Table 1

Retention time of the examined lichen substances and their absorbance maxima (nm).

Peaks no.CompoundRetention time ( ± SD)* (min)Absorbance maxima (nm)
UV spectrum

1Salazinic acid 213, 238, 312
2Norstictic acid 212, 238, 310
3Methyl-β-orcinol carboxylate 218, 267, 303
4Ethyl haematommate 240, 258, 285m, 337
5Usnic acid 234, 282
6Atranorin 210, 252, 321m

*Values are the means of three determinations ± SD, m: minor absorbance maximum.