Research Article

Uncaria tomentosa—Adjuvant Treatment for Breast Cancer: Clinical Trial

Table 3

Immune status of breast cancer patients before treatment and after 6 cycles of chemotherapy without Uncaria tomentosa supply (Ca group) or receiving 300 mg/day of Uncaria tomentosa (UtCa group).

ParametersGroupChemotherapy cycles

CD4+ T cellsUtCa1008.25 (379.21)786.60 (310.49)
Cells/μLCa1053.00 (620.81)798.00 (366.14)

CD8+ T cellsUt Ca568.81 (295.60)459.87 (246.46)
Cells/μLCa679.84 (273.22)565.62 (231.05)

CD4+ T/CD8+ T ratioUtCa 2.044 (0.62)1.858 (0.89)
Ca1.630 (0.69)1.652 (0.49)

IL6UtCa3.4 (4.50)2.1 (6.6)
pg/mLCa5.6 (5.53)3.8 (7.312)

Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation; UtCa group: patients treated with chemotherapy +300 mg Uncaria tomentosa daily ; Ca group: patients received chemotherapy .