Research Article

Development and Validation of an Instrument for Measuring Attitudes and Beliefs about Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use among Cancer Patients

Table 1

Factor loadings and communalities based on a principal components analysis*.

Expected  benefitsPerceived  barriersSocial  norms

I expect using CAM will decrease my emotional distress.88−.15.20
I expect using CAM will reduce symptoms such as pain or fatigue related to cancer and its treatment.86−.14.25
I expect using CAM will prevent future development of health problems.75−.09.28
I expect using CAM will help me cope with the experience of having cancer.91−.11.17
I am unlikely or hesitant about using CAM because it may interfere with the conventional cancer treatment−.29.66−.07
I am unlikely or hesitant about using CAM because treatments may have side effects−.19.74−.05
I am unlikely or hesitant about using CAM because treatments cost too much money.05.59.02
I am unlikely or hesitant about using CAM because it is hard to find good practitioners.17.69.02
I am unlikely or hesitant about using CAM because I do not have time to go to CAM treatments−.14.63−.11
I am unlikely or hesitant about using CAM because I do not have knowledge about CAM treatments−.13.56−.24
I am unlikely or hesitant about using CAM because I do not have transportation to CAM treatments−.12.50.05
My health care providers (e.g., doctors, nurses, etc.) encourage me to use CAM.17−.10.74
My health care providers (e.g., doctors, nurses, etc.) are open to my use of CAM.18−.18.76
Other cancer patients think I should use CAM.15−.02.77
My online support group encourages me to try CAM.23.09.68

Extraction method: principal component analysis.
Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization.
*Rotation converged in 5 iterations.