Research Article

Gelam (Melaleuca spp.) Honey-Based Hydrogel as Burn Wound Dressing

Table 3

Measurement of wound size at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after burn presented as percentage of wound size reduction.

GroupsPercentage of wound size reduction (%) (mean ± SD)
Day 7Day 14Day 21Day 28

Honey Hyd15.42 ± 2.1b41.11 ± 3.4b81.78 ± 0.9c91.27 ± 0.3b
Control Hyd13.44 ± 1.5ab40.35 ± 4.3b58.94 ± 2.1a72.75 ± 1.8a
OpSite12.27 ± 1.7ab39.63 ± 2.1b60.06 ± 1.3a78.54 ± 1.0a
−ve Control10.80 ± 1.2ab28.01 ± 1.9a56.72 ± 0.7a70.86 ± 2.9a

a,b,cMeans with different superscripts within a column were significantly different at .