Research Article

Synergistic Apoptosis-Inducing Antileukemic Effects of Arsenic Trioxide and Mucuna macrocarpa Stem Extract in Human Leukemic Cells via a Reactive Oxygen Species-Dependent Mechanism

Figure 4

Changes in the level of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in leukemia cells exposed to arsenic trioxide (ATO) and/or crude methanolic extract of Mucuna macrocarpa (CMEMM). HL-60 (a) or Jurkat (b) cells (1 × 105 cells/mL) were treated with 0.1% DMSO (control), 2.5 μM ATO, 50 μg/mL CMEMM, or 2.5 μM ATO plus 50 μg/mL CMEMM for 4 to 48 h. Then, cells were washed with PBS, incubated with dihydroethidium for 30 min, and analyzed for red fluorescence by flow cytometry. The mean fluorescence intensity was used as read-out for intracellular ROS levels.