Review Article

Sasang Constitutional Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Comparative Overview

Table 3

Characteristics of TCM typologies.

Traditional chinese medicines (TCM)

Fiv-Somatotype Typological System (Taeyang, Taeeum, Soyang, Soeum, or Equilibrated)
LingshuSong et al. [17]: In the five-somatotype typological system, individuals are placed in one of the following five categories based on the internal Yin-Yang balance: Taeyang, Taeeum, Soyang, Soeum, or Equilibrated. The twenty-five-somatotype system concerns the predominant elemental-phase associated with an individual (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water), and each of the five categories are further split into five subsets
Morphological attributes of the five viscera and the six bowels
Wang [44]: Lingshu also mentions the morphological attributes of the five viscera (large, small, high, low, firm, soft, upright, and tilted) and the six bowels (small, large, long, short, thick, thin, convoluted, straight, flaccid, and tight) in relevance with physiology and pathology

Zhang Zhongjing (150–219)Yin and Yang Viscous Types
Wang [44]: There are more individuals with the Yin viscous types, and such individuals are more prone to illnesses. Alternatively, individuals with the Yang viscous types, who are relatively scarce in number, are unlikely to become ill. Ironically, the Yin types tend to take better care of their health due to their congenital vulnerability to sickness and end up to be bed ridden less often, while the Yang types tend to take less care of their health due to their naturally good health and eventually fall prey to sickness

Kuang Tiaoyuan (since 1931 present)Six Somatotype Categories (Normal, Dark and Stringent, Congestive and Stagnant, Dry and Ruddy, Slow and Cold, and Languid and Shiny)
Wang [44]: The typical “normal” type would display sufficient strength in the limbs, a healthy complexion, good digestion, resistance to temperature change, slight dryness of the mouth, normal urination and defecation, a strong pulse, and normal tongue condition