Research Article

Evaluation of Acute 13-Week Subchronic Toxicity and Genotoxicity of the Powdered Root of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack)

Table 2

Chromosome aberration assay of E. longifolia powdered root in vitro.

Aberrant cells (%)Number of aberrations/100 cells3-4

3 h treatment/without S9 metabolic activation
Negative1 0 0
E. longifolia powdered root (mg/mL)
 1.25 000 0
 2.5 000 0
 5 000 0

3 h treatment/with S9 metabolic activation
Negative1 0 000
Positive2 0
E. longifolia powdered root (mg/mL)
 1.25 000 0
 2.5 000 0
 5 000 0

24 h treatment/without S9 metabolic activation
Negative1 0000 0
Positive2 0
E. longifolia powdered root (mg/mL)
 1.25 000 0
 2.5 000 0
 5 000 0

Solvent (sterile water) was used as negative control.
Positive control in w/o S9 condition: mitomycin C 1 μg/mL; in w/w S9 condition: benzo(a)pyrene 5 μg/mL.
The chromosomal aberrations were counted by 100 independent cells. For each treatment, at least 300 cells were examined as described in Section 2. The data are expressed as the Mean ± SEM . Significant difference between control treated group at * versus control by one-way ANOVA.
G: chromosome gap; B: chromosome break; D: dicentric; g: gap; b: chromatid break; e: exchange.