Research Article

Faith as a Resource in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Is Associated with a Positive Interpretation of Illness and Experience of Gratitude/Awe

Table 4

Having faith and engagement in spiritual practices/activities.

Faith is a strong hold in difficult timesExistential practices (SpREUK-P)Humanistic practices (SpREUK-P)Religious practices (SpREUK-P)Spiritual mind-body practices (SpREUK-P)Gratitude/awe (SpREUK-P)


All patients

F value4.94.387.58.927.3
P value.009.015<.0001<.0001<.0001

Results are means ± standard deviation. No: does not apply at all/does not truly apply; undecided: do not know (neither yes nor no); yes: applies quite a bit/applies very much.