Research Article

Replacements of Rare Herbs and Simplifications of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulae Based on Attribute Similarities and Pathway Enrichment Analysis

Table 5

Herbs in FDHJST, FFT, and FFDHT.

Formula Herbs

DHJSTJJF Root of doubleteeth pubescent angelica MistletoeRadix gentianae macrophyllae
Radix saposhnikoviae Manchurian wildginger Chinese angelica
Szechwan lovage rhizomeChinese herbaceous peonyDrying rehmannia root
Bark of eucommia Radix achyranthis bidentataeGinseng root
TuckahoeCassia barkLiquorice
FFT Radix saposhnikoviae Chinese angelica Radix gentianae macrophyllae
Cassia twig Notopterygium rootBitter apricot kernel
FFDHT Radix saposhnikoviae Chinese angelicaRadix gentianae macrophyllae
TuckahoeRoot of doubleteeth pubescent angelicaLiquorice