Review Article

Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 1

Modified Jadad quality scale.


RandomizationAppropriate if random sequence is generated by computer or similar methods 2
Unclear if a trial does not describe its method of randomization1
Inappropriate if a study uses an alternate assignment method, such as the allocation of odd and even numbers0

Randomization concealmentAppropriate if either the distribution scheme is controlled by a center or pharmacy, containers with consistent serial numbers being used, on-site computer control, sealed opaque envelopes, or any other allocation method that clinicians and subjects are unable to predict2
Unclear if only a random number table or other random allocation scheme is employed1
Inappropriate if either of alternate allocation, case numbers, days of the week, an open-label random number table, serial coded envelopes, or any other method with predictable assignments is used0
Absent if randomization is not used0

Blinding methodAppropriate if a completely identical placebo form or a similar method is used2
Unclear if the trial was described as blinded, but no methodological information regarding the blinding was provided1
Inappropriate if the double-blind method is not adopted or if the blinding method is improper, such as a comparison between tablets and injections0

Withdrawal and exitThe number and reasons of patients who withdraw or exit are described1
The number and reasons of patients who withdraw or exit are not described0