Review Article

Best Available Evidence in Cochrane Reviews on Herbal Medicine?

Table 1

The eleven most relevant Cochrane reviews extracted for the most important details of herbal medication characteristics.

ReferenceOrigin of herbal Herbal medicine characteristics
medicinesPlant part (PP)mg/dayDERSolventMarker/day

[3] (5/2011) 
Irritable bowel syndrome
66 Chinese
1 Tibetan
1 Indian
3 European
Stated in
2 patented products up to 20 PP

[4] (9/2012)  
Advanced colon cancer
cotreatment to
Not stated

[5] (4/2006) 
Low back pain
European$Stated in Stated in Stated in Stated in Stated in

[6] (1/2009)  
Type 2 diabetes
69 Chinese&Stated in
up to 20 PP

[7] (10/2005)  
2 Chinese  
2 Chinese + Western
1 European + Western
Stated in #
up to 10 PP
formula changes in
Stated in

[8] (5/2012)  
Threatened miscarriage
5 Chinese
20 Chinese + Western
Stated in
up to 14 PP
formula changes in

[9] (1/2010)  
Chronic neck pain
ChineseStated in
up to 6 PP
Stated in

[10] (4/2006)  

[11] (11/2010)  
Primary dysmenorrhea
ChineseStated in
up to 23 PP
formula changes
Stated in

[12] (6/2011)  
Diabetic neuropathy
Chinese%Not statedNot stated

[13] (8/2011)  
3 Chines
1 European
Stated in Stated in all

DER: drug extract ratio; &one containing an additional alkaloid; #extract Egb761 is produced according to GMP from Ginkgo leaf; one study investigated an isolated compound; $two external medications containing additional synthetic compounds; %eight patented Chinese products.