Review Article

Indian Traditional Ayurvedic System of Medicine and Nutritional Supplementation

Table 1

Impact of modern food concept in required nutrition.

Nutrients Intake by traditional ways Intake by modern waysEffect on nutrient intake

Water soluble vitamins (vitamins B and C) and mineralsVegetables used for cooking were/are freshFreezing and packaging of the cut vegetablesLoss of ascorbic acid, water soluble vitamins, and minerals
Proteins, minerals, and vitamin B complexManual processing of cereals, without polishingMilling and polishing of cerealsReduces protein, minerals, and vitamin B complex
Calcium, iron, thiamine, and niacinFresh grinding at homeHeavy milling and poor storage conditionsLoss of calcium, iron, thiamin, and niacin
Iron Cooking in iron potFood generally cooked in cookware like nonstick and Teflon-coated utensilsThe benefit of organic iron from the conventional iron pot is not obtained by using modern cookware
CopperStoring of water and cooking use of copper vesselsStainless steel utensils and plastic waresCopper required in minor amount which is not gained from modern utensils used today. Deficiency is known to cause chronic diarrhea, malabsorption problems, and reduce immunity. Use of plastic containers is also harmful