Research Article

A Special Ingredient (VtR) Containing Oligostilbenes Isolated from Vitis thunbergii Prevents Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Mice: In Vitro and In Vivo Study

Table 2

Effects of oligostilbenes isolated from Vitis thunbergii and resveratrol on the differentiation and cell viability of primary cultured osteoblasts and osteoclasts, respectively.

Tested compound (20 μM)OsteoblastsOsteoclasts
ALP activity (ratio)Cell viability (%)TRAP activity (ratio)Cell viability

Basal culture medium0.42 ± 0.21**0.27 ± 0.09***
Control (differentiation medium)11001100
 (+)-Vitisin-A1.62 ± 0.22*103.1 ± 3.50.33 ± 0.15***103.2 ± 2.8
 (−)-Vitisin-B3.39 ± 0.47***98.2 ± 2.70.71 ± 0.0498.5 ± 4.3
 Ampelopsin C2.75 ± 0.38**104.5 ± 1.90.65 ± 0.12*97.8 ± 2.9
 Resveratrol1.35 ± 0.2171.3 ± 2.6***0.78 ± 0.1969.7 ± 3.1***

Osteoblast differentiation was measured by culture cells in differentiation medium with or without tested drugs treatment and ALP activity was analyzed as described in Materials and Methods. ALP activity measured in differentiation medium alone was defined as the control. Osteoclast differentiation was measured by culture cells in differentiation medium with or without tested drugs treatment and TRAP activity was analyzed as described in Materials and Methods. TRAP activity measured in differentiation medium alone was defined as the control. Data are mean ± S.E.M. All results were expressed as relative ratio to the control. To preclude the possibility that the attenuation in ALP activity or TRAP activity was due to cytotoxicity, cell viability was measured by MTT assay. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001, as compared with the control.