Research Article

Long-Term Stimulation with Electroacupuncture at DU20 and ST36 Rescues Hippocampal Neuron through Attenuating Cerebral Blood Flow in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

Figure 3

The effect of electroacupuncture on learning and memory capacity of rat. (a) The effect of electroacupuncture on time spent in PQ. (b) The effect of electroacupuncture on distance ratio spent in PQ. Wistar: Wistar rats without any treatment. Wistar + Sham: Wistar rats with stimulation at nonacupoints. Wistar + EA: Wistar rats with stimulation at acupoints. SHR: SHR without any treatment. SHR + Sham: SHR with stimulation at nonacupoints. SHR + EA: SHR with stimulation at acupoints. Data were expressed as mean ± SD from six animals. * versus Wistar group; # versus SHR group; versus SHR + Sham group.