Research Article

Relationship between Biomechanical Characteristics of Spinal Manipulation and Neural Responses in an Animal Model: Effect of Linear Control of Thrust Displacement versus Force, Thrust Amplitude, Thrust Duration, and Thrust Rate

Table 1

Distribution of classification characteristics.

MuscleCOHORT (based upon thrust amplitude)
1 mm2 mm3 mm25% BW55% BW85% BWTotal

Body weight mean ( ) (SD)38.3 (5.5)39.1 (8.4)39.2 (9.2)47.5 (9.2)40.6 (6.9)32.0 (5.3)38.9 (8.3)
Receptive field location ( )Long. Multifidus1617159161992
Tested & responded to succinylcholine ( )202020122020112
Tested & responded to vibration ( )151920111920104
Tested & responded to twitch ( )14191911191899

Long.: Longissimus; : Newtons, SD: standard deviation, BW: body weight, : number of occurrences.