Research Article

The Sasang Constitution as an Independent Risk Factor for Metabolic Syndrome: Propensity Matching Analysis

Table 3

The odds ratios and 95% CI for MS before and after propensity matching according to the SC.

OR (95% CI) for MS
CrudeAfter matching

SE type : TE type1 : 4.773 (3.889–5.859)1 : 1.476 (1.043–2.089)
SY type : TE type1 : 2.292 (1.942–2.704)1 : 1.452 (1.026–2.053)
SE type : SY type1 : 2.083 (1.679–2.583)1 : 1.017 (0.711–1.455)

SC: Sasang Constitution, SE: Soeumin, TE: Tae-eumin, SY: Soyangin, MS: metabolic syndrome, OR: odds ratio, and CI: confidence interval.