Research Article

Inhibitory Effect of Chrysanthemum zawadskii Herbich var. latilobum Kitamura Extract on RANKL-Induced Osteoclast Differentiation

Figure 2

Effects of CZE on osteoclast differentiation. BMMs were cultured with various concentrations of CZE under RANKL and M-CSF treatment for 4 days. (a) Osteoclasts were stained for TRAP. (b) TRAP+ multinuclear cells (MNCs) with more than 3 nuclei were counted as mature osteoclasts. (c) Total TRAP activity from TRAP+-mono-, di- and multinuclear cells was measured as described in the materials and methods. Data are expressed as the mean SD and are representative of at least three independent experiments. * , ** , and versus control (0 μg/mL CZE). Scale bar = 200 μm.