Research Article

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Survey of Its Use in Pediatric Oncology

Table 1

Demographic information.

Edmonton OttawaTotal

Patient Information
Child/youth age mean (SD)1078.9 (4.4)229.0 (4.8)8.9 (4.5)
 Female N (%)45 (42.1)13 (59.1)58 (45.0)
Time since diagnosis10722
 0–3 mo.15 (14.0)5 (22.7)20 (15.5)
 3–6 mo.11 (10.3)1 (4.5)12 (9.3)
 6–12 mo.15 (14.0)3 (13.6)18 (14.0)
 >12 mo.66 (61.7)13 (59.1)79 (61.2)
If child/youth has ever used CAM 10722
 Yes67 (62.6)11 (50.0)78 (60.5)
Parent/Caregiver Information
Age mean (SD)10438.5 (8.7)2238.5 (7.2)38.5 (8.4)
 Female N (%)81 (75.7)17 (77.3)98 (76.0)
Highest completed level of education10420
 No formal education000
 Primary school only3 (2.9)1 (5.0)4 (3.2)
 Secondary school*23 (22.1)9 (45.0)32 (25.8)
 Registered apprentice or other trade9 (8.7)1 (5.0)10 (8.1)
 College, CEGEP, or other nonuniversity37 (35.6)4 (20.0)41 (33.1)
 University, without a university degree
 University, with a university degree6 (5.8)2 (10.0)8 (6.5)
 Other25 (24.0)
1 (1.0)
2 (10.0)
1 (5.0)
27 (21.8)
2 (1.6)
Annual household income9918
 Less than $10,0001 (1.0)2 (11.1)3 (2.6)
 $10, 000–$19,9996 (6.1)3 (16.7)9 (7.7)
 $20,000–$39,99911 (11.1)3 (16.7)14 (12.0)
 $40,000–$79,99935 (35.4)5 (27.8)40 (34.2)
 $80,000 and over46 (46.5)5 (27.8)51 (43.6)
If respondent had ever used CAM10422
 Yes (%)69 (66.3)14 (63.6)83 (65.9)

: number with valid responses.
*denotes statistical significance ; all other P values were not significant.