Research Article

Acupuncture and Clomiphene Citrate for Live Birth in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Study Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 2

Overview of the study visits.

Screening visitBaseline visitWeek 1Week 2Week Week 16End of treatment visit

Visit #123456 333435

Sign consent×
Urine pregnancy test×××××××××
Physical examination××
Transvaginal ultrasound××
Semen analysis×
Safety eligibility lads××
Fasting phlebotomy for study parameters××
Depression, anxiety, and quality of life questionnaires××
Credibility check questionnaire ×××
Progesterone assay××××××
HCG assay××××××
Acupuncture treatments (twice weekly)××××××××
Assess adverse events and concomitant meds××× ××

Credibility check questionnaires are completed on the third acupuncture treatment and the last acupuncture treatment.
HCG: HCG concentrations will be measured once a week during the study period. If serum HCG concentration is elevated above 10 IU/L, pelvic ultrasound will be arranged 2 weeks later for the number of the gestational sacs and the viability of the pregnancy.