Research Article

The Stimulation Effect of Auricular Magnetic Press Pellets on Older Female Adults with Sleep Disturbance Undergoing Polysomnographic Evaluation

Table 2

Comparisons of seven components and global score of PSQI between the experimental group and the control group by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).

Items of PSQIPretestPosttestANCOVA
( )
( )
( )
( )
F P value
Mean ± SDMean ± SDMean ± SDMean ± SD

C1. Sleep quality 4.730.04*
C2. Sleep latency 2.480.13
C3. Sleep duration 5.170.03*
C4. Sleep efficiency 5.410.02*
C5. Sleep disturbances 7.060.01*
C6. Sleeping medication 0.840.37
C7. Daytime dysfunction 4.470.04*
PSQI global score 9.100.00**

P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.