Research Article

The Preventive Effect of Biochanin A on Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Rats: Involvement in Regulation of Growth and Activity of Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts

Figure 4

Effects of BCA on the functional activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. (a) Osteoblasts were incubated for 2 days with or without 10−6 M biochanin A, and then cell migration was evaluated as described in Section 2. (b) Osteoblasts (5 × 104 cells/well) were incubated for 7 days with 10−6 M BCA in the presence or absence of cycloheximide and then assayed for ALP activity. (c) Osteoblasts were cultured with or without 10−6 M BCA for 7 days, followed by evaluation of von Kossa staining for mineralized nodules. (d) Osteoclasts were cultured with or without 10−6 M BCA for 7 days, and the surface of the resorption pit area was determined. (Left) Representative photographs of stained cells. (Right) Summarized data expressed as mean for three separate experiments. * compared to the control; # compared to the BCA group.