Research Article

Efficacy of Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling in the Prevention of Pain after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Table 2

Preintervention groups characteristics (baseline).

T group
(true dry needling)
S group
(sham dry needling)
P value

Age (years)71.65 (6.06)72.90 (7.85)0.570
Body mass index (Kg/m2) 73.57 (11.53)75.51 (9.33)0.580
Days hospitalization 8.11 (1.79)7.58 (2.04)0.403
VAS (0–100)56.75 (22.31)50.37 (16.76)0.321
WOMAC pain (0–20)8.10 (2.45)7.90 (4.60)0.837
WOMAC stiffness (0–8)4.05 (1.61)3.15 (2.16)0.805
WOMAC function (0–68) 28.48 (8.54)27.58 (13.50)0.149
ROM (°)89.35 (19.191)93.20 (20.05)0.539
Strength FLEX ( )20.51 (10.16)22.00 (5.27)0.565
Strength EXT ( ) 24.34 (9.83)23.42 (7.12)0.738
MTrPs (number) 12.75 (4.64)11.75 (3.46)0.445
MTrPs active (number) 5.15 (4.74)3.00 (2.83)0.090

Values are reported as mean (standard deviation). P value obtained using Student’s t-test.