Review Article

Blinding Measured: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of Acupuncture

Table 1

Blinding scenarios [13].

Experimental arm (verum)Control arm (sham)Possible blinding and clinical effectiveness interpretationsTrials number (%)

Random guessRandom guessIdeal, possibly most ideal from the scientific or statistical perspective8 (15)
Random guessOpposite guessRare2 (4)
Random guessUnblindedPossibly little treatment effect and completely no effect in control arm3 (6)
UnblindedUnblindedPossibly problematic. Treatment effect in experimental arm and no treatment effect in control arm (e.g., patients tend to know what to expect)4 (7)
UnblindedOpposite guessIdeal (e.g., patients tend to have wishful thinking, strong placebo effect, and any treatment administered is perceived as real treatment)25 (46)
UnblindedRandom guessPossibly problematic. Treatment effect in experimental arm and no treatment effect in control arm (e.g., patients do not know what to expect in the absence of treatment)12 (22)
Opposite guessOpposite guessRare0 (0)
Opposite guessRandom guessRare0 (0)
Opposite guessUnblindedNo treatment effect at all; patients may have low expectations0 (0)