Review Article

Chinese Herbal Medicine for Acute Mountain Sickness: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 2

Ingredients of frequently used Chinese Formulas.

FormulasComponentsTCM efficacy

Fufang yi hao pillRadix Ginseng [Ren shen, 人参], Radix astragali [Huang qi, 黄芪], Ginkgo [Yin xing, 银杏].Supplementing qi and promoting blood circulation for removing obstruction.

Sheng nao kang pillSalvia miltiorrhiza [Dan shen, 丹参], Panax notoginseng [San qi, 三七], Rhizoma chuanxiong [Chuan xiong, 川芎], Radix Paeoniae Rubra [Chi shao, 赤芍], Radix astragali [Huang qi, 黄芪], Angelica sinensis [Dang gui, 当归], Codonopsis pilosula [Dang shen, 党参], Hirudo [Shui zhi, 水蛭], rhizoma gastrodiae [Tian ma, 天麻], and so forth.Promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, removing obstruction in the collaterals, cooling blood to decrease blood pressure, and relieving spasms by subduing liver wind.

Shu li kang capsuleFlos rosae rugosae [Mei gui hua, 玫瑰花], Chinese wolfberry [Gou qi zi, 枸杞子], Rhodiola rosae [Hong jing tian, 红景天], Peach blossom [Tao hua, 桃花], Radix astragali [Huang qi, 黄芪], Semen Juglandis [He tao ren, 核桃仁], Angelica sinensis [Dang gui, 当归], and rhubarb [Da huang, 大黄].Regulating the circulation of qi and blood. Supplementing qi, nourishing blood, and promoting blood circulation for removing stasis.

New compound, rhodiola pillCodonopsis pilosula [Dang shen, 党参], Salvia miltiorrhiza [Dan shen, 丹参], Angelica sinensis [Dang gui, 当归], Radix glehniae [Bei sha shen, 北沙参], and Radix tinosporae [Jin guo lan, 金果榄].Promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, supplementing qi, and tranquilizing the mind.

Danhong injectionExtract from Salvia miltiorrhiza [Dan shen, 丹参] and safflower [Hong hua, 红花].Promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis and removing obstruction in the collaterals.

Xing nao jing injectionExtract from musk [She xiang, 麝香], Borneolum Syntheticum [Bing pian, 冰片], Radix curcumae [Yu jin, 郁金], and Fructus gardeniae [Zhi zi, 栀子].Eliminating heat and purging fire, cooling blood and detoxifying, and consciousness restoring resuscitation.

Ginkgo leaf tablet Extract from leaf of Ginkgo [Yin xing, 银杏].Benefiting qi by activating blood circulation and removing obstruction in the collaterals.

Rhodiola rosae decoctionRoot of Rhodiola rosae [Hong jing tian, 红景天].Strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, clearing the lung to relieve coughing, and promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis.