Research Article

Aspects of Spirituality in Medical Doctors and Their Relation to Specific Views of Illness and Dealing with Their Patients' Individual Situation

Table 3

Meaning of illness and physicians’ dealing with patients’ individual situation with respect to professional specialisation.

Agreement/disagreement (%) Professional specialisation (means ± SD)
(applies quite a bit; applies very much)
(does not apply at all; does not truly apply)
( value)

Illness as a meaningless interruption (Sum scores, range 0–100) 7.8 (<0.001)

Meaning of Illness (range 0–4)
SK1Whether a patient my see any meaning in illness and life or not is not of importance for the process of recovery4690 2.1
SK2To me it is completely incomprehensible that illness may have a biographical meaning in life of man 4492 3.0
SK3Illness is nothing more than a meaningless interruption of life’s course 4888 10.3 (<0.001)
SK4Illness prevents patients’ individual development71182 13.7 (<0.001)
SK5Illness is a chance to deal more consciously with life9244 0.7

Dealing with patients’ individual situation (range 0–4)
SK9I have no time to busy myself with patients’ individual situation231067 0.9
SK10If I had also to deal with patients’ individual situation, it would unnecessarily cost time and nerves7588 0.69 ± 0.90 0.85 ± 0.912.0
SK6Whether a patient may understand the profound causes of illness or not is irrelevant for the process of recovery71083 1.7
SK8Often it is simply a matter of fate or chance whether a patient becomes healthy again or not272845 1.0
ÄS18For diagnosis and finding an adequate treatment, patients’ own opinion about what may have caused their illness is not of importance101367 1.7