Research Article

Additive Complex Ayurvedic Treatment in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome Compared to Conventional Standard Care Alone: A Nonrandomized Controlled Clinical Pilot Study (KAFA Trial)

Table 1

Baseline characteristics.

CharacteristicsIntegrative medicine groupRheumatology group value

Male/female, no.0/210/11n.a.
Age, years 0.11
Body mass index, kg/m2 0.46
SBP, mmHg 0.77
DBP, mmHg 0.46
FIQ score 0.38
Pain score (NRS) 0.34
Quality of sleep 0.59
STAI state score 0.65
STAI trait score 0.83
HADS anxiety 0.89
HADS depression 0.96
SES sensory pain perception 0.95
SES affective pain perception 0.38

Values are mean ± SD if not indicated otherwise. SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure.
STAI: state and trait anxiety questionnaire, FIQ: fibromyalgia impact questionnaire; HADS: hospital anxiety and depression scale; NRS: numeric rating scale 0–10; SES: pain perception scale.