Research Article

Antiosteoporosis Effect of Radix Scutellariae Extract on Density and Microstructure of Long Bones in Tail-Suspended Sprague-Dawley Rats

Table 2

Biochemical parameters in rat urine and serum within various treatment groups.


S-Ca (mM)
S-P (mM)
OC (pg/mL)
ALP (μg/L)
TRACP (pg/L)

U-Ca/Cr (mM/mM)
U-P/Cr (mM/mM)
DPD/Cr (mM/mM)
CTx (μg/L)
NTx (nM)

S-Ca: serum Ca; S-P: serum phosphorus; OC: osteocalcin; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; TRACP: tartrate resistant acid phosphatase; U-Ca: urinary Ca; U-P: urinary phosphorus; CTx: type I collagen carboxy-terminal peptide; NTx: type I collagen aminoterminal peptide; DPD: deoxypyridinoline; Cr: creatinine.
*versus CH group: * , ** , and *** .
#versus TS group: #P , ## , and ### .