Research Article

Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness Meditation and Exercise for the Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infection: Possible Mechanisms of Action

Figure 2

Mediational analysis models: the relationship between the “dependent variable” (primary outcomes: acute respiratory infection (ARI) severity and duration), “independent variables” (group status) and possible “mediators” (health indicators); separate models were created for each health indicator. Stage 1 models illustrate single-mediation, while Stage 2 models illustrate compound-mediation (change in the mindfulness score as Mediator 1, and change in the health indicator score as Mediator 2). Abbreviations/Explanations: AUC: area under the curve global ARI severity; “Mediator” is a proposed mediating variable; D1 refers to the “mediator” score change at 9 week, and D2 to the “mediator” score change at 3 month followup; γ1 pathways represent a direct relationship between group status and the primary outcome; γ2 through γ5 pathways represent relationships between group status and the potential mediator; β1 pathways represent relationships between the potential mediator and the primary outcome; and β2 and β3 pathways represent relationships between the two potential mediators.
(a) Stage 1 modeling
(b) Stage 2 modeling