Review Article

Efficacy of Massage Therapy on Pain and Dysfunction in Patients with Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 2

Studies excluded in full text screening.

StudiesReason for exclusion

Chen et al. (2010) [32]Intervention: multimodal including massage, mobilization, and manipulation
Fan (2010) [33]Intervention: massage and manipulation
Fan et al. (2011) [34]Intervention: massage and manipulation
Fu and Yuan (2001) [35]Intervention: massage and manipulation
Huang (2010) [36]Intervention: massage and Chinese herb
König et al. (2003) [37]Duplicate publications as Irnich et al. (2001) [17]
Li and Fan (2001) [38]Intervention: massage and manipulation
Lin et al. (2004) [39]Intervention: multimodal including massage, mobilization, and manipulation
Lin et al. (2011) [40]Duplicate publications as Lin et al. (2012) [29]
Li (2012) [41]Intervention: massage and manipulation
Mai et al. (2010) [42]Intervention: high-velocity and low-amplitude manipulation
Pan (2011) [43]Intervention: multimodal including massage, mobilization, and manipulation
Qu and Wang (2012) [44]Intervention: massage or manipulation
Sefton et al. (2011) [45]Participants: healthy adults
Tan (2010) [46]Outcome: Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Effect Rating Scale is employed; it is a composite of clinical symptoms, physical examination, and activities of daily life
Wang (2010) [47]Intervention: massage and mobilization
Yang and Li (1991) [48]Intervention: multimodal including massage, mobilization, and manipulation
Ylinen et al. (2007) [49]Intervention: multimodal including mobilization, traditional massage, and passive stretching
Zhang et al. (2005) [50]Outcome: Transcranial Cerebral Doppler and clinical symptoms (headache, vertigo, etc.)
Zhang et al. (2011) [51]Duplicate publications as Zhang et al. (2011) [28]
Zhao (2011) [52]Intervention: massage or manipulation
Zhang and Yu (2012) [53]Outcome: Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Effect Rating Scale is employed; it is a composite of clinical symptoms, physical examination, and activities of daily life
Zheng and Xu (2011) [54]Outcome: Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Effect Rating Scale is employed; it is a composite of clinical symptoms, physical examination, and activities of daily life