Research Article

Fenugreek Prevents the Development of STZ-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy in a Rat Model of Diabetes

Figure 1

Reduced ECM accumulation in the diabetic kidney after fenugreek treatment. ECM accumulation in the kidney was measured by PAS staining (a) under a light microscope (×400). Significant increase of PAS-positive staining in the mesangial region, obvious proliferation of mesangial cell, and capillaries collapse were found in the STZ-induced diabetic group (DN), but they did not appear in normal nondiabetic group (Con), and were observed little in fenugreek-treated diabetic group (DF) with no significant difference compared with Con group. Quantitative analysis for the percentage of PAS in the glomerulus by the computer image analysis system is presented as the histogram. In addition, protein levels of Col IV (b) and FN (c) as the two main components of ECM were detected by immunohistochemistry. They had a significant increase in DN group compared with Con group, respectively, and decreased obviously after fenugreek treatment in DF group. Results of the quantitative analysis are also expressed by the histograms in (b) and (c), respectively. versus Con; versus DN.