Research Article

Auricular Point Acupressure to Manage Chronic Low Back Pain in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

Table 1

Outcome measures used in this study.

ItemsScore rangeInternal consistency  
(Cronbach’s )

Pain intensity
 Worst pain (BPI-sf)10–10n/a
 Overall pain intesnity (BPI-sf)40–400.69
 Pain severity (MPI-s)20–120.86
Physical functionning
 Interference (BPI-sf)70–280.96
 Interference (MPI-s)20–140.89
Pain quality (MPQ-sf)
 Total MPQ-sf160–640.82
Other dimensions related to pain
 Affective distress related  
  to pain (MPI-s)
 Life control related to pain (MPI-s)20–80.90
Emotional functionning
 Anxiety (PROMS)88–400.96
 Depression (PROMS)88–400.94
 Generalized anxiety  
 Disorder 7 (GAD-7)
Pain beliefs (fear avoidance)
Catastrophizing (PCS)
Health related quality of life

BPI-sf: brief pain inventory short form.
MPI-s: multidimensional pain inventory screening.
MPQ-sf: McGill Pain Questionnaire Short Form.
RMDQ: Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire.
PCS: The Pain and Catastrophizing Scale.
PROMIS: patient-reported outcomes measurement information system.