Research Article

Effects of Brown Seaweed (Sargassum polycystum) Extracts on Kidney, Liver, and Pancreas of Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model

Figure 2

Photomicrographs of liver tissues of rats from different experimental groups. (a) Hepatocytes of normal control rats shows insignificant cellular swelling and sinusoidal congestion (200x). (b) Diabetic rats liver show severe degeneration and fatty changes (white arrow), glycogen deposition (dashed black arrow), necrotic cells with pyknotic nuclei and acidophilic cytoplasm (black arrow), and cellular swelling (200x). (c) Liver of metformin treated diabetic rats shows mild granular degeneration (dashed black arrow) and mild swelling (narrow sinusoidal capillaries—black arrow) and normal hepatic architecture (200x). (d) Liver of 300 mg ethanol extract treated diabetic rats shows significantly reduced fatty change (dashed black arrow), multifocal infiltration of inflammatory cells (black arrows), sinusoidal congestion (white arrow), and granular degeneration (dashed white arrow) (200x). (e) Liver of 300 mg water extract treated diabetic rats shows normal morphological architecture and significant degenerative cells reduction (dashed black arrow) and mild to moderate Kupffer cells hyperplasia (black arrows) (200x). (f) Liver of 150 mg ethanol extract treated diabetic rats shows normal architecture and hepatocytes, significantly reduced degenerative cells (dashed black arrow), and mild Kupffer cells hyperplasia (black arrows) (200x). (g) Liver of 150 mg water extract treated diabetic rats shows normal architecture and hepatocytes, significantly missing degenerative cells, mild cellular swelling (narrow sinusoidal capillaries—dashed black arrow), and mild Kupffer cells hyperplasia (black arrows) (200x).