Research Article

Anatomo-Functional Correlation between Head Zones and Acupuncture Channels and Points: A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of Neural Therapy

Table 5

Acupoints anatomo-functionally related to Head zones for kidney, bladder and genitalia.

Head zonesAcupuncture points

KidneyLower abdomen: St27, K13, Gb25, and Ren2 to Ren6
Back: B23, B52, B53, and Du4
Perineal: Du1 and Ren1
Lower limb: H1, Sp10, Sp11, L8, L9, K1, and K3

BladderLower abdomen: St27, St28, K11, and Ren2 to Ren5
Back: B22, B23, B52, and B53
Perineal: Du1 and Ren1
Lower limb: B67 and L1 to L3

GenitaliaLower abdomen: St26, St28, K11, K13 to K15,
Gb27, Gb28, and Ren2 to Ren6
Back: B23, B24, B52, Du2, and Du4
Perineal: Du1 and Ren1
Lower limb: B36, B40, B55, B56, B60, B65, B67,
L1 to L3, L8 to L11, Gb44, Sp1, Sp10, Sp11, and K1 to K3