Research Article

Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for Acute Low Back Pain in Emergency Department: A Pilot Cohort Study

Table 5

Results of gamma regression model with GEE method on VAS.

PredictorCoefficientSEMean ratio95% C.I. value

(Intercept)1.701 0.368 5.478 2.665–11.259 <0.001
Age0.001 0.002 1.001 0.997–1.005 0.637
BMI−0.001 0.012 0.999 0.977–1.0220.920
 Male0.008 0.096 1.008 0.835–1.215 0.936
 Female0.000 1.000
 Acupuncture0.156 0.098 1.169 0.964–1.417 0.113
 Control0.000 1.000
 3−0.377 0.175 0.686 0.487–0.966 0.031
 2−0.132 0.077 0.876 0.753–1.0190.086
 10.000 1.000
 Acupuncture Time 30.021 0.196 1.021 0.695–1.499 0.916
 Acupuncture Time 2−0.380 0.092 0.684 0.571–0.819<0.001
 Acupuncture Time 10.000 1.000
 Control Time 30.000 1.000
 Control Time 20.000 1.000
 Control Time 10.000 1.000

Statistically significant difference ().