Research Article

Evaluation of an Epitypified Ophiocordyceps formosana (Cordyceps s.l.) for Its Pharmacological Potential

Figure 3

HPLC profiles and analyses of extracts from various Cordyceps species. (a) The HPLC retention times are shown for D-mannitol (designated as “D”), adenosine (designated as “A”), and cordycepin (designated as “C”) (A). The HPLC profiles extracted from the O. formosana mycelia (B, OFMY), the O. sinensis mycelis (C, OSMY) and fruiting bodies (D, OSFB), and the C. militaris mycelia (E, CMMY) and fruiting bodies (F, CMFB). (b) The quantitative results for the indicated compounds were calculated according to the area under the peak that corresponded to the standard calibration; r2 > 0.999.