Research Article

The Prescription Pattern of Chinese Herbal Products Containing Ginseng among Tamoxifen-Treated Female Breast Cancer Survivors in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study

Table 5

Number of new cases, population at risk, estimated hazard ratios (HR), and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for endometrial cancer estimated using the multivariate Cox’s regression model from the National Health Insurance Catastrophic Illnesses Registry of Taiwan for all tamoxifen-treated breast cancer women 55–79 years old and followed up from 1998 to 2008.

Presence of endometrial cancer during the follow-up periodTMX users using Chinese medicine containing ginseng. Number of cases/person-yearsTMX users not using Chinese medicine. Number cases/person-yearsTMX users using Chinese medicine containing ginseng divided by TMX users not using Chinese medicine. Adjusted HR* (95% CI)

Total TMX users30/25,20647/27,6810.75 (0.47–1.19)
Duration of TMX treatment
 <2 years10/10,37933/15,5760.50 (0.24–1.01)
 2–4 years12/7,39611/6,3700.93 (0.40–2.14)
 >4 years8/7,4313/5,7361.97 (0.51–7.66)
Cumulative TMX doses
 <7,500 mg7/6,29326/10,6950.51 (0.22–1.17)
 7,500–14,999 mg4/4,0517/4,8680.55 (0.16–1.91)
 15,000–29,999 mg10/7,33511/6,2700.77 (0.32–1.84)
 ≥30,000 mg9/7,5273/5,8482.44 (0.64–9.31)

Adjusted for age at breast cancer diagnosis, insured salary, insured region, diabetes and hypertension, duration of TMX treatment, and cumulative TMX doses.
TMX refers to tamoxifen.