Review Article

Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Chronic Constipation

Table 1

Articles of acupuncture or EA for CC.

ReferenceStudy design (participants)AcupointsImplementation of acupunctureKey efficacy resultsAdverse reactions

Wu et al., 2014 [14]RCT
ST25, BL25, LI11, ST37EA1: ST25, BL25
EA2: LI11, ST37
EA3: ST25, BL25, LI11, ST37
C: Mosapride citrate
Weekly frequency of defecation, defecation difficulty life, and quality score were all improved significantly in the four groups; in follow-up, weekly frequency of defecation of LI11 and ST37 (EA2) was superior to the other three groupsNA

Zhang et al., 2013 [15]RCT
ST25, ST37, ST36, BL25, TE6EA: 2 Hz/200 Hz
D: Fuzhengliqi mixture
EA + D: both of above
C: Mosapride and Macrogol 4000
All groups decreased the defecation interval, stool property, constipation symptom grade, accompanying symptom grade, and GITT; EA + D was better than others; EA could keep long-term effectNo

Peng et al., 2013 [16]RCT
ST25EA-deep: 20 to 65 mm in depth
EA-shallow: 5–8 mm depth
D: lactulose oral liquid
All groups increased the weekly defecation frequency; EA-deep could keep long-term effectNo

Chen et al., 2013 [17]RCT
( = NA)
adult female
ST36, ST37, ST25, ST28, CV4, CV6EA
EA improved constipation symptoms and increased autonomic nervous system activities, sham-EA notNA

Zhou et al., 2012 [18]RCT
AT3, 4i, AT3, AT4, CO7, CO17, AH8, CO18, Constipation PointAT: according to the pattern/syndrome differentiation
C: solid points
The effective rate: AT 92.0%, C 76.0%NA

Xu et al., 2012 [19]RCT
TE6, ST25, ST36, ST37EA: Hwato neuro and muscle stimulator
C: regular electronic stimulator
The effective rate of short term: EA 54.6%, C 29.0% NA

Anders et al., 2012 [20]Retrospective case series study
() children
Quchi (LI11)Fixed indwelling acupuncture needles (0.9 mm in length)After a median of 3 days of HIC, all children defecated within 2 h. Local constipation therapy was not requiredNo

L.-J. Wang and L.-L. Wang, 2011 [21]RCT
Group 1: ST25, SP15, CV6, CV4, ST36, ST37, SP6. Group 2: BL33, BL34, BL5, BL23, BL20 AlternativelyHA: punctured by hands
HA + moxibustion: grain-shaped moxibustion was given at CV6, ST36, BL25, BL20, and others with puncture
The total effective rate: HA + moxibustion as 74.0% (37/50) versus 52.0% (26/50)NA

Guo et al., 2011 [22]RCT
ST25, ST37, ST36, BL25, TE6 EA: 2 Hz/100 Hz
D: Plantain and Senna Granule
EA + D: both of the above
All groups decreased the scores of defecation cycle, stool property, constipation symptom grade, accompanying symptom grade, and GITT; EA + D was better than others; EA and EA + D could keep long-term effect No

Wang et al., 2010 [23]RCT
ST25EA-deep: 45 mm in depth
EA-shallow: 5 mm in depth
D: lactulose oral liquid
EA-deep and EA-shadow were significantly superior to D group in increasing number up to 4 and improved CCS. EA-deep worked faster than EA-shadowNA

Wang et al., 2010 [24]RCT
D: Duphalac
EA-deep was similar to EA-shallow in number up to 4 and CCS, and its efficacy remained much longerNA

Jin et al., 2010 [25]Before-after study
Group 1: ST25, CV6, ST37; Group 2: BL33, BL34, BL25 AlternativelyEA: BL33, BL34, ST25, T37 The scores of defecation frequency, difficulty degree of defecation, defecation time, endless sensation of defecation, stool quality, awareness of defecation, and QoL were obviously improved after treatment. The total effective rate was 67.7% (61/90) NA

Ding et al., 2009 [26]Before-after study
Group 1: ST25, SP15, SP14, CV6, CV4, ST36, ST37; Group 2: BL25, BL23, BL31, BL32, BL33, BL34, Ex-HN1 AlternativelyDeep needling was applied on acupoints of abdominal and back region and moxibustion was put on Ex-HN1Reduced laxative, scores for awareness, and QoL. Increased frequency of defecationNo

Zhang et al., 2007 [27]RCT
TE6EA: EA at Zhigou
SA: EA at nonacupoint
EA could obviously improve CCS and CTT, decrease cathartics, effective rate of 94.4%No

Zhu et al., 2003 [28]Before-after study
ST25, ST36, ST37, BL25, BL57HATotal effective rate of 100%NA

Broide et al., 2001 [29] CCT-self  
NATreated by five weekly placebo acupuncture sessions, followed by 10 weekly true acupuncture sessionsThe frequency of bowel movements increased only after 10 true acupuncture sessionsNA

Klauser et al., 1993 [30]CCT-self
LI4, ST25, LE3, BL25EA: 10 HzStool frequencies and CCT were not alteredTwo patients dropped out because symptoms worsened

RCT: randomized controlled trial; CCT: controlled clinical trial; HA: hand-acupuncture; EA: EA; AT: auriculotherapy; SA: sham acupuncture; D: drug; HA + D: hand-acupuncture + drug; EA + D: EA + drug; C: control; PE: patient’s endurance; MA: mean age; PO: by mouth; CCS: Cleveland Constipation Score; number up to 4: the number of constipation patients whose defecation was up to 4 times per week; BMs, bowel movements; GITT: gastrointestinal transit time; TGITT: total gastrointestinal transit time; M-ITT: mouth-intestine transit time, CTT: colonic transit time; RCTT: right colonic transit time; LCTT: left colonic transit time; RSTT: rectosigmoid colonic transit time; MTL: motilin; QoL: quality of life; CI: confidence interval; QD, every day; BID: twice per day; TID: triple per day; NA: not acquirable.