Research Article

The Renal Protective Effect of Jiangya Tongluo Formula, through Regulation of Adrenomedullin and Angiotensin II, in Rats with Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis

Figure 2

Histologic studies of JYTL in hypertensive nephrosclerosis rats after HE staining. (a) Control group. (b) Model group. (c) Valsartan group. (d) JYTL group. Bar = 200 μm; same magnification for all panels. (a) The arrows point to the glomerular and the lined epithelia of renal tubules in normal condition. (b) Glomerular ischemia and sclerosis (blue arrow), interlobular artery with marked myointimal proliferation (yellow arrows), tubular atrophy and hyaline degeneration (little black arrow), and interstitial fibrosis with inflammatory cells hyperplasia (black arrow). (c) Interlobular artery mild-thickening with tubular vacuolar degeneration. (d) Tubular ectasia with hyaline degeneration. HE in 3-μm thick sections, 200.