Research Article

Partially Automated Method for Localizing Standardized Acupuncture Points on the Heads of Digital Human Models

Table 5

Seven acupoints categorized as morphological points with the two corresponding control points. The values in the parentheses are the “standard positions” of the acupoints on the left and the right sides of the head taken from the 3D digital model of the normal man. These values were used as the standard for calculating the morphological acupoints in the other models.

AcupointsControl points

GB4Left: (−0.539, 0.274, −0.912)
Right: (0.560, 0.274, −0.912)ST8Left: (−0.447, 0.278, −1.026)
GB5Left: (−0.610, 0.272, −0.759)Right: (0.457, 0.278, −1.026)
Right: (0.628, 0.272, −0.759)GB7Left: (−0.641, 0.155, −0.474)
GB6Left: (−0.639, 0.239, −0.594)Right: (0.651, 0.155, −0.474)
Right: (0.655, 0.239, −0.594)

GB10Left: (−0.584, −0.266, −0.467)GB9Left: (−0.641, −0.089, −0.714)
Right: (0.541, −0.266, −0.467)Right: (0.613, −0.089, −0.714)
GB11Left: (−0.556, −0.266, −0.220)GB12Left: (−0.529, −0.138, 0.027)
Right: (0.541, −0.266, −0.220)Right: (0.529, −0.138, 0.027)

TE18Left: (−0.555, −0.159, −0.128)TE17Left: (−0.546, −0.004, 0.027)
Right: (0.555, −0.134, −0.128)Right: (0.566, −0.004, 0.027)
TE19Left: (−0.604, −0.159, −0.284), TE20Left: (−0.628, −0.004, −0.459),
Right: (0.585, −0.159, −0.284)Right: (0.623, −0.004, −0.459)