Research Article

The Effects of Acupuncture at Real or Sham Acupoints on the Intrinsic Brain Activity in Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients

Table 5

The brain areas of ALFF signal change significantly in MCI patients with acupuncture at KI3 compared with no acupuncture in the resting state.

VolumeAnatomical areaBAHPeak valuePeak value

1134Parahippocampal gyrus28L−13.5−13.5−9.55.644
972Middle frontal gyrusR28.57.532.56.9909
891Cingulate gyrusL−25.51.529.57.117
702Cingulate gyrus6L−25.5−10.538.57.0511
Middle frontal gyrus
621Subthalamic nucleus (thalamus)R10.5−16.5−3.59.6493

BA: Brodmann area; H: hemisphere; : -axis; : -axis; : -axis; L: left; and R: right.