Research Article

The Effects of Acupuncture at Real or Sham Acupoints on the Intrinsic Brain Activity in Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients

Table 7

The brain areas of ALFF signal change significantly in MCI patients with acupuncture at KI3 compared with acupuncture at sham acupoint in the resting state.

VolumeAnatomical areaBAHPeak valuePeak value

1593Middle frontal gyrus46L−43.519.520.5−6.3792
864Superior temporal gyrus22R55.5−28.55.515.064
594Cingulate gyrus31R7.5−43.538.58.1928

BA: Brodmann area; H: hemisphere; : -axis; : -axis; : -axis; L: left; and R: right.