Research Article

The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Lebanese Adults: Results from a National Survey

Table 1

Characteristics of CAM use among study respondents who reported using CAM product during the previous 12 months ().

Characteristics of CAM use (%)

Types of CAM used
Folk Herbs336 (75)
Natural Health Products 142 (31.7)
Folk Foods59 (13.2)
Vitamins and Minerals17 (3.8)

How often do you use the product? (n = 448)
Irregular use238 (53.1)
Daily116 (25.9)
More than once per week69 (15.4)
Weekly25 (5.6)

Why have you used CAM? (n = 433)
Flu131 (30.3)
Digestion and stomach problems110 (25.4)
To enhance energy 87 (20.1)
Enhancing immunity 78 (18.0)
Treatment of a chronic illness54 (12.5)
Other53 (12.2)
For slimming and weight loss 47 (10.9)

What are the motives which led to use of CAM?
(n = 435)
Belief in advantages of complementary and alternative medicine practices332 (76.3)
Trying because of a suggestion55 (12.6)
Feeling of having no alternative36 (8.3)
Disappointment from conventional medical therapy32 (7.4)
Family traditions17 (3.9)
Other 13 (3)

How did you hear about CAM? (n = 434)
Family tradition253 (58.3)
Personal choice108 (24.9)
Friends60 (13.8)
Media56 (12.9)
Health practitioner25 (5.8)
Neighbors17 (3.9)
Books11 (2.5)

Were you satisfied with the CAM product you used? (n = 428)
Yes385 (90.0)
No43 (10.0)

If no, why? (n = 33)
There was no improvement or benefits27 (81.8)
Caused side effects6 (18.2)

Do you advise others to use the same CAM product? (n = 424)
Yes379 (89.4)
No45 (10.6)

Complementary or alternative to conventional medicine (n = 187)
Complementary246 (60.1%)
Alternative163 (39.9%)

Have you asked your doctor about the CAM product you used? (n = 437)
Yes124 (28.4)
No313 (71.6)

If no, why? (n = 276)
Do not like to go to doctors 161 (58.3)
CAM does not hurt42 (15.2)
Doctors do not believe in CAM29 (10.5)
There was no need26 (9.4)
Other18 (6.5)

How was the reaction of the physician? (n = 124)
Encouraging98 (79.0)
Not encouraging16 (12.9)
Neutral10 (8.1)

Average monthly household spending
on CAM in Lebanese lira (n = 438)
19,000 ± 32,000

Percentages do not add to 100% because more than one answer was reported.
1 US$ is equivalent to 1,500 Lebanese liras.