Review Article

A Modern Clinical Approach of the Traditional Korean Saam Acupuncture

Table 4

Saam acupuncture clinical research.


1999Lumbar HNP285 weeksSA + GBA/GBA
2002Sciatica and back pain4010 daysSA + GBA/GBA
2002Lumbar HNP291–10 weeksSA + GBA/GBA
2003Dysarthria2010 daysSA/GBA
2004Hypertension601 hourSA/BR
2004Posterior ear pain3010 daysSA/GBA
2006OA of knee784 weeksSA/ShA (Park sham needle)
2007Chronic tension headache262 weeksSA/ShA (nonacupoint)
2007Dysmenorrhea81 monthSA/ShA (acupoint not related to gynecological disorders)
2007Obesity604 weeksSA/ShA (Kim sham needle)/NA
2007Fatigue564 weeksSA/ShA (nonacupoint)
2007Hwa-byung232 weeksSA/ShA (nonacupoint)
2008Hwa-byung522 weeksSA/ShA (nonacupoint)
2011Autonomic nerve disorder66 daysSA/ShA (Park sham needle)
2011Hwa-byung502 weeksSA/ShA (nonacupoint)
2012Facial temperature76 daysSA/ShA (Kim sham needle)
2013Peripheral neuropathy108 weeksSA/NA

HNP: herniated nucleus pulposus; OA: osteoarthritis, SA: Saam acupuncture; GBA: general body acupuncture; ShA: sham acupuncture; BR: bed rest; NA: no acupuncture; : number.