Research Article

Anticancer Activity of Saponins from Allium chinense against the B16 Melanoma and 4T1 Breast Carcinoma Cell

Figure 2

Apoptosis in B16 and 4T1 cells detected by AO/EB double fluorescence staining. The mitochondrial membrane potentials in B16 and 4T1 cells after being treated with different concentrations of ACSs (100, 200, and 300 μg/mL) and 5-Fu (30 μg/mL) for 24 h and then stained with AO and EB are illustrated. Representative images show the degree of ACS- and 5-Fu-induced Anticancer Activity in B16 and 4T1 cells. Treatment with PBS and the control conditions did not exhibit the same phenomenon. Original magnification, ×100.