Review Article

Ancient Records and Modern Research on the Mechanisms of Chinese Herbal Medicines in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

Table 4

Main mechanisms of CHM treating DM and its complications by Wen Yang (tonifying Yang) or Huo Xue Hua Yu (activating blood circulation and easing congestion).

Latin nameFamily Extracts or monomersIn vivo/ 
in vitro
ModelsEffective doses/doses rangeMechanismsToxic effectReferences

Amomum xanthioides Wall. ex BakerZingiberaceaeAqueous ethanolic extractIn vitro 3T3-L1 adipocytes0.02–0.5 mg/mLPRGU, IIAIND[82]

Angelica hirsutiflora Tang S. Liu, C. Y. Chao, and T. I. ChuangUmbelliferaeMethanolic extractIn vivo ICR mice, 10, 30 mg/KgPIEIND [83]
In vitro HIT-T15 cells, human pancreatic islets50–150 µg/mL

Ramulus cinnamomi LauraceaeCinnamaldehyde, benzyl benzoateIn vivo Kun Ming mice1.4 g/KgCOSRND[39]

Cinnamomum cassia (Nees and T. Nees) J. PreslLauraceaeCinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, cassiosideIn vivo Kun Ming mice700 mg/KgCOSRND[39]

Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.EucommiaceaeLignansIn vivo Kun Ming mice1.4 g/KgCOSRND[39]
Water extractIn vivo C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice1.87 g/KgIHSGND[84]

Daemonorops draco (Willd.) BlumeArecaceaeEthanol extractIn vivo ICR mice1.2 g/KgPIPR, COSRNO [85]
In vitro RIN-m5F cells10–100 µg/mL<200 µg/mL

Zingiber officinale RoscoeZingiberaceaePhenolic gingerolIn vitro L6 rat myoblast5–40 µg/mLPRGUNO[86]

Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. and Maxim.) HarmsAraliaceaeHot water extractIn vivo Db/db mice500 mg/KgINGAND [87]
In vitro Caco-2 cells0.03–4 mg/mL
PolysaccharideIn vivo Wistar rats200 mg/KgCOSRND[88]

Ephedra sinica StapfEphedraceaeL-Ephedrine, alkaloidIn vivo BALB/c mice0.0125 mg/mL,PIPRND[89]

Carica papaya L.CaricaceaeAqueous extractIn vivo Wistar rats0.75, 1.5 g/100 mL, PIPR, COSR, IHSGND[90]

Terminalia chebula Retz.CombretaceaeChloroform extractIn vivo SD ratsShort term study, 100, 200, 300 mg/KgPIEIND [91]
Long term study, 300 mg/Kg

Epimedium brevicornumMaxim.BerberidaceaeIcariinIn vivo SD rats80 mg/KgCOSRND[92]

Salvia miltiorrhiza BungeLamiaceaeHydrophilic extractIn vitro HMEC-1 cells, human microvascular endothelial cells10 µg/mLCOSRND[93]

IIAI: CHM increase insulin sensitivity and ameliorate insulin resistance; PIEI: CHM promote insulin secretion and elevate serum insulin levels; INGA: CHM inhibit α-glucosidase activity; PIPR: CHM protect islet β cells and promote their regeneration; IHSG: CHM increase hepatic glycogen content and suppress gluconeogenesis; INSG: CHM inhibit the secretion of glucagon; PRGU: CHM promote the glucose uptake by adipose and muscular tissues. COSR: CHM control oxidative stress response, such as scavenging oxygen radicals, preventing lipid peroxidation, or inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis; RAAR: CHM regulate the activity of aldose reductase; BLIR: CHM block inflammatory response. NO means not toxic. ND means no data available. YES means toxic.